
Welcome Back

Well it’s been a very long time since I wrote here.  Not sure why, maybe because I thought I was busy or something.  Anyway, I figured hey, why not start this thing up again?  Might as well right? So here goes.  From now on, I will try to write on this blog – posts about…

Four Countries, Eight Days

This is me and my best friend Sammi, eating honest to God crepes, in honest to God Paris. Why are we in Paris you might ask?  Well, let me tell you. This past year, I took a victory lap at my school, which just means I came back for a semester.  Now, I did this…

Fantastic Ridiculous Outstanding Spectacular Happenin’.

AKA FROSH 2013. So, I just entered my first year of university at the tender age of 19.  Not that tender compared to some, but whatever.   Here are some tips/advice that I would give anyone going into their first year. 1. JOIN FROSH!  Honestly, best decision I’ve made so far.  I have met so…

Where did the time go?

Well would you look at that.  It’s mid-October already.  Seems like only yesterday I was moving into residence, freaking out about making friends.  Now I’m only freaking out about all the essays and assignments I have due!  Yes, yes, I know… why am I writing this when I could be doing homework?  Do you even…


Oh god, here it comes.  You’re looking through your old pictures, and all of a sudden you’re taking a fast trip down Memory Lane.  *sigh* You start wondering where the time went, why don’t you talk to these people anymore, what kind of person you were back then.   I love looking back at what…

Halloween has Come and Gone Once Again

Well, another Halloween has passed us by.  Once again, I was at my house, handing out candy to all the little trick-or-treaters braving the rain and the cold.  We had 13 kids this year, double last years total. Back in my day, we had 20-25 kids pop by the house for some chocolate and chips…

Remembrance and Controversy

I have recently (recently being this morning) been made aware of a ‘white poppy’ campaign going around.  The white poppy is supposed to symbolize peace rather than the red poppy, which stands for… wait, what? It has always been my belief that the poppy is a symbol of peace, remembrance, and sacrifice.  We don’t need a new…

Thank You

It’s amazing what university can do to a person.  One minute you have a good roommate, the next you don’t.  There is drinking, sex, drugs, all manners of temptations you have to deal with.  Some people succumb to the pressures, to the distractions, and let themselves get lost in it.  They find themselves susceptible to…

Almost done!

Okay seriously.  It seems like only yesterday I was starting my first day of classes, and now I’m about to start my last week of them for this semester.  I mean, how?! Let me just say this: if you think time flies in high school, just wait until university.  Seriously. I’m down to my last…

Is this the real life?

Okay, I just need to talk about this one thing. We have a place here in residence called Oasis, it’s basically a mini food court that’s open really late at night for all the partiers and cool kids.  I’ve been a few times, but I usually get my poutine and ditch, mostly because I have…

An Update after the Break

Well, this ones gonna be a long one, considering so much has happened since I last wrote.   I had exams in December, only three but still.  My first ever university exams… yikes.  Honestly, it’s pretty much exactly like what you see in the movies and hear about from older kids.  People stumble around the…

What a Champ.

Disclaimer: I personally do not like Justin Bieber in the slightest – never have, never will – but this article isn’t about my personal dislike (hate is a strong word) for the kid. As I’m sure you have all heard, Justin Bieber was arrested early yesterday morning in Miami, Florida for DUI and drag racing…

Politeness = Anti-feminist?

Okay, just to let y’all know, this year I am taking a Women and Gender Studies course.  Surprisingly, I actually enjoy it.  I know, I know: feminists are bra-burning, man-hating, lesbians.  Well actually, they’re not (not all of them anyway).  Feminism is and feminists are – in my opinion- often misunderstood and misinterpreted.  For example,…

Happy International Women’s Day!

Sorry for misleading you, but this post isn’t going to be about women or feminism.  This post is a bit more personal, hope that’s okay. I had an interesting conversation at lunch today.  It isn’t really something that I’ve spoken to a lot of people about, but this person had similar experiences so we had…

Growing up with tea

As I write this, I’m working my way through my second cup of tea today. It’s Rooibos Vanilla tea, with honey in it to soothe my sore throat. It’s also decaf to accommodate my “disease” as Mikey likes to call it. It may be considered useless to a lot of people, but I love my…

100 Days of Happiness

I am a happy person. I have said that before. But for this post, I have decided to post pictures or comments about what has made me happy on any given day. These pictures/comments might not be consecutive, and I might post more than one photo per day. Day 1: Finishing essays makes me happy.…

53 Things I Learned from First Year University

Exams are both more scary and less scary than people will have you believe. You will make friends, even if you think you won’t. Your teachers actually do care, at least sometimes. Not knowing your (new) roommate can turn out not so bad! Patience.  Especially when you were just getting up to pee and your…

Regular Scarf to Infinity Scarf

Okay, so infinity scarves are “in” right now, and try as I might, I just can’t seem to find any!  I have a lot of regular scarves though, but they’re just not the same. Well today I made an amazing discovery, one that I’m ashamed I didn’t think of long ago. This page tells you how…

Mom’s amazing graham wafer treats

So since these graham wafer things are so unbelievably delicious, I thought I’d share the recipe with y’all! Ingredients: 1 cup butter melted 1 cup brown sugar stirred in 1/2 cup pecans stirred in Graham wafers (Our Compliments work best) Directions: Layer a cookie sheet covered with aluminum foil Split OUR COMPLIMENTS brand graham wafers…

Getting back in the swing of things

Now that I’ve been home for university for a little over a week, I’ve started to get back into the routine of living at home.  I gotta say, it’s a little different than university living!  I have definitely noticed a few major differences, some pros and cons if you will.  And just because I love…

England 2015

So, I have wanted to go to England since I was probably 10.  My father is from there, so I have quite a bit of family across the pond.  Mikey is currently in England visiting family for three weeks, so naturally I am super jealous.  My sister is also travelling to England next year for…


Loss. It’s something we all have to deal with one way or another. Losing contact with a best friend after high school.  Losing the soccer game.  Losing a family member. Sometimes, that loss is of someone you can barely remember life without. Today, for my family, that loss comes in the form of our dog,…

Help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.

Hey guys.  I’m fundraising for Shinerama in support of Cystic Fibrosis.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to post this on here, but I figured hey, why not?  The lovely people of the blogosphere are awesome, they might give something. If you can’t, do not fret, I’m not forcing you to do anything.  I…

Hi, my name is Morgan and I think I’m an adult…

You know what’s hard?  Growing up, that’s what’s hard. When we’re little, all we want is to stop having to sit at the kid table, to get treated like adults, to be what we said we wanted to be when we grew up.  When I was younger, I was determined that I was going to…

Non-traditional French Toast

Alright everybody. If you are interested in any type of vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free food, or are just looking for a way to change up your diet, you need to follow the Sprout Sisters.  They are three sisters who have been living a vegan/gluten-free lifestyle for some time now.  They post recipes for everyone to try…

Family Time

My family has been going on camping trips for pretty much as long as I can remember. We started out in the typical fashion; we would set up our tent, roll out our sleeping bags and revel in the rustic-ness of tent camping. After a run in with a certain masked rodent, my mom decided…

Fall Orientation 2014

A new school year is upon us folks.  It’s scary, but it’s the truth. The beginning of this school year finds me living in an apartment with one of my best friends and participating in Carleton’s fall orientation program in a new and exciting way. This year for frosh, I was a Facilitator, which basically…

Home Sweet Home

Home sweet home.  You know you’re home when you can’t imagine being happy, content, and comfortable anywhere else.  I still consider home as my log house in Huntsville, the place I’ve spent the better part of 20 years in.  But I have a secondary home now, one that is just as comfortable and cozy. I…

Give thanks

As a university student, you learn to appreciate your parents and the stupendous ways they took care of you for the first part of you life.  You now understand that cooking for yourself isn’t nearly as fun as having someone else do it for you (and let’s just admit it – you eat a lot…

Urban adventures

I’ve called the city of Ottawa my second home for about a year and a half now.  Despite the amount of time I’ve spent here, there are still aspects of the city that take me by surprise – as I’m sure there always will be.  One of these surprises was just how much green space…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year

Christmas has always been my favourite holiday.  I mean, how could it not be?  Some jolly old guy breaks into your home in the middle of the night, brings you presents, and then eats your food!  Who could possibly not love Christmas? In all serious-ness though, Christmas is my favourite time of the year -…

Groundhog’s Day Resolution

This is something you might not expect from me and my blog. I have a New Year’s Resolution!  But, given how it’s the first day of February, I’m going to make it my Groundhog’s Day Resolution – spice things up a bit. This is Libby, Mikey’s sister and honestly one of my best friends.  She’s…

Be true to your school

Okay, let me just preface this by saying that I normally go out of my way to avoid talking to people on a daily basis.  People aren’t really my thing, I’m too awkward to be around them and act normally. That being said I have been trying so hard this year to put myself out there,…

Why I Relay 2015

Last Friday was a day of firsts for me. I pulled my first all-nighter ever (I don’t count the 20 minute power nap I took at 5:30 AM) and I participated in my first ever Relay for Life. As I’ve said before, I am not good with people/participation so I had never joined a team…

England 2K15

Alright, alright, alright. Thanks, Matthew McConaughey. Everyone sit down, hold on to your hats, and put your head between your knees. I have a new post coming your way. CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN! It’s been a while, I know. But let’s be real – how many people even read this nonsense? Besides you, mom. I…

Merry Clinchmas!

What a time to be alive, Blue Jays fans! Let me tell you, I am pretty damn excited that the Blue Jays have clinched the AL East title for the first time in my lifetime. Literally, their drought was longer than my life. That’s insane! But we have overcome the hard times and are moving…

“Have a Nice Day”

You know those days when nothings has really happened yet, so you’re in a state of perpetual “meh?” I was in one of those moods the other day, taking the bus to school because walking was a hard “nope,” when I saw the littlest thing that made me smile. A bus parked along the route…

Home is where the *heart emoji* is

I’m gonna let you in on a piece of fun trivia. TRIVIA BY MORGAN, GO! (pretend there’s theme music or something) One of my favourite sounds in the world is the sound of someone laughing so hard that all comes out is a little wheeze of air. It makes every situation infinitely funnier and when…

Frosh 4.0

Oh hey there Blogosphere! Long time no write, how have you been? Sorry I’ve been MIA, but let me tell you, third year has been kicking me in the butt. But let’s have a little heart-to-heart shall we? Let’s catch up, get down to the nitty gritty details of my life for the past months.…

Bleeding Red and Black

I’m baaack! Holy moly, two posts in like one week, how does that happen?! I’ll tell you how it happens: it happens because I have school work I should be doing and I don’t wanna. DON’T PROCRASTINATE KIDS! Anyway, on to with the show (it’s gonna get sappy kids. You have been warned). Last night,…


Yesterday, we learned about what is being called the worst mass shooting in United States history. Today, while more victims are being identified, I am finding it hard to comprehend what has happened. Innocent lives were taken, and that is unacceptable. Mostly, I am saddened by the events of this weekend, and frightened by what…

Hey America, remember that time…?

Oh hi there. Long time to speak. A lot has happened since the last time I made a blog post. Rio hosted the Olympics, I started my fourth year of university, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, oh and Donald freaking Trump was freaking voted freaking President of the freaking United freaking States of…